The web is what we make it

We think a lot about the early days of the internet. It was weird, it was wonderful, and it was ours for the making.

A lot has changed since then—a lot of it for the better. Building a great website has never been easier. But choosing the right tool for the job is, somehow, harder than ever.

We built Astro to bring out the best of the web.

Our core beliefs

It should be easier to build fast websites than a slow one

It should be easier to build with code than without it

It should be easy to build a great website, period.

Astro is for everyone

The web is for everyone, so Astro is, too. Whether this is your first web project or you’ve lost count, Astro is the easiest way to build a lightning-fast website. Keep working with the tools you love, in an environment that’s easy to use. That’s Astro.

Open source is in our DNA

Astro is a free, open source project with an active, supportive, and wildly entertaining community around it. Come on over to Discord to join the fun.

Join us

The fact I can mix up plain HTML + some MDX out of the box for the blog + react for a playground makes it a no-brainer


Rebuilt my blog with Astro out of curiosity… holy @%&?!


I feel like Thanos. Running 7 JavaScript frameworks on 1 page just for fun.

@astrodotbuild is so futuristic. 🔥


I think I just realized why I like @astrodotbuild… it reminds me of php.

The Astro Technology Company

We formed the Astro Technology Company to support the open source project and its community for the long haul. If you want to build the world’s best platform for web development with us, we’re hiring!

See Open Roles